Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Rich in Jesus

We are praising the Lord. We are back home in Kenya and it is good to be home. As we are winding down our last days it really starting to get busy. Amongst all the chaos of trying to finish our last to-dos it has been a challenge to really focus on the Lord. The schools are on vacation the whole month of August so we are not currently teaching VBS. BUT the Lord is so good so he has provided other ministry opportunities. One of my favorite things to do here in Kenya is to just speak the Gospel to anyone I meet. It is such a blessing here, because people are so accepting of Jesus. In the past three days I have had three different boda boda drivers (bicycle drivers) and I have shared Jesus with all three. And all three of them were already saved. Praise the Lord. It has been my mission to spread the Gospel to anyone I meet, but most people I meet are already saved. God is so Good! This has been so common for me on my trip. The last boda driver I had really got into telling my about his salvation. "Jesus is my salvation. I am washed in his blood. I could sin 400 times today and still be forgiven. He took my sins on the cross and now I don't have the burden." Him and I continued back in forth taking about the Lord for about fifteen minutes. There love and passion is huge. This is the type of conversations I have DAILY with people here. Another memorable incidence was a boda driver who had five stitches on his eye because he was just jumped by a few men. Him and I talked about the Lord and he blessed me with his heart "I have nothing without Jesus. He is so good and loving. Life is painful and miserable without Jesus, but once we have him we are free." I can't get over how free the people are here. They are so happy and complete.

"I know your afflictions and your poverty- yet you are rich!" Revelation 2:9

This afternoon Mary and I made it to the market and I went to see Wills. He was standing with his two cousin. A few days earlier I saw him and he said that the trouble he has in evangelising is having the courage to ask people if they want to accept the Lord. He told me that he had been sharing the gospel with his cousins and I saw a pocket testament in his cousin's pocket. So I whispered to him if he had asked them the big question yet and he said he would do it tonight. I encourage him to do it then and there. Both his cousins said they wanted to be saved. Mary was at the other end of the market so I grabbed her and went back to the guys. When I got back I explained why we need salvation, what it will means, and that they need to believe it in their heart (Not just to please the Mzungu). It was clear they wanted to ask the Lord in their heart. So we all held hands and prayed and now we have TWO more brothers in Heaven! Bwana Asifiwe! (Praise the Lord)



  1. Bwana Asifiwe!! Praise the Lord for what He is doing through you and blessing you in the process!
    Bwana Asifiwe!!

  2. Jessica...what will Africa do without you? You are definitely leaving a footprint. I love you so much and can't wait to have your sweet, bold spirit back here at home. xoxo Pamela
