Friday, July 9, 2010

Power Outage and Lil Beasties

Laura prepared us very well for this trip. I didn't go through all the team meetings prior to the trip and I still felt very prepared for this trip. One thing she told us was "Make sure to take a flashlight to the shower with you, because you never know when the lights will shut off." Pretty sure I also recall reading in the volunteer manual how the power can be dicey.

We've been here in Kisumu for 33 days. No power outages... that is... until tonight.

Just as we sat down with an amazing treat of Mocha Chip ice cream, the power shut off. No one was caught suddenly without a light, but it was a nice transition into a nice evening.

Anne got the candles out and we began our debrief. As each of us shared about our days, the ups & downs, the funny stories- I just couldn't help but feel the peace in the room while my heart rested. Each of us in the house: Anne, Marieke, Jessica and Myself, we're all getting to know each other more and more and love each other more and more. We're building that sister bond that doesn't only connect us for this one summer, but for eternity. And that is such a beautiful thing that cannot be taken away by anyone or anything.

And then to seal the deal- we heard a strange noise from the kitchen. I half expected a raccoon to be in the kitchen [now that I think about it... Kenya doesn't have raccoons?]. Marieke is a brave soul and decided to take the flashlight and investigate. No raccoon. The noise we heard was our freezer opening up and a few things falling out. BUT- we did find another "animal" as Anne calls it, but I would call it more of a monster. A cockroach. After screams and lots of running away, Brave Marieke went got the cockroach-killer-spray and began to attack. She killed it... at least to a point of it twitching on it's back. After reassembling the freezer's contents and after I examined the dying cockroach body [the science kid in me], Marieke informed us that like spiders, there's always more than one. Peace out kitchen. I'll be more content at night hanging out on the couch without any of my body touching the floor. Ever again.

All to say- I love it here. I love my sisters. I love the laughter and screams. I laughed a lot today. I'm thrilled and so excited that I get to continue the special memories of candlelight debriefs, and hilarious memories of cockroach attacks.

Just thought I'd share a glimpse into our non-ministry lives.

Lala Salama,


  1. I can totally hear you all screaming, laughing and hiding on the couch from the cockroaches! It is a blessing to know you and Jessica are connecting even more deeply with Anne and Marieke. You are all my precious daughters, from other mothers...and it brings me joy to know you are drawing even closer. Can't wait for the day you all come "home"...that would be to Carmichael! My house! Love and miss you all.
    Mama Pamela

  2. Thank you for sharing the non-ministry side, funny. :) I can't help but imagine the monster cockroach trying to get into the freezer for a snack! he, he :)
