Tuesday, July 13, 2010


God is listening and answering prayers.

We have been praying for Fiona and her charcoal business. We were planning on getting her another bag of charcoal, but still trying to do it in a way that would really benefit her. As Marieke and I were discussing it more in depth today we approached her house and saw three bags of charcoal. When we went inside and Fiona told us that the people who sell the charcoal gave her the two extra bags and are allowing her to pay them back when she gets the money. Julie our national volunteer says that never happens because people are not trusting and she could just run off with it. I can't even believe how God answered that prayer. We COULD NOT have asked for a more perfect scenario to benefit her and her business. Praise God.

Marieke and I got the pleasure of going to Russia hospital to do visitations. Last time we were there Sharon said she wanted a Fanta orange (a favorite over here). I was very excited to go see her and bring her the soda. When we got there someone else was in her bed. We talked with other patients then checked in the other room. We didn't find her so we asked a nurse. Sharon finally got to go home. Last time we visited her all she wanted to do was go home. That was another one of our prayers and it was a big one, because no one was visiting her. It is likely that they waved the bill. Praise God! And the really awesome thing is that she is one of our patients in Manyatta so I will be able to visit her each week.

We couldn't leave without seeing Samuel. He was SO happy to see us as always and even more happy that we brought him milk. We prayed for healing for his leg. He was discharged, but his leg was still not in good shape. Now his leg is starting to heal to the bone and they are keeping him in the hospital to do a skin grapht. Praise the Lord. It is amazing HOW he is answering these prayers. I couldn't have asked for anything more. Praise Him!



  1. AMEN! PRAISE GOD!! God is good and what a blessing to witness the miracles first hand!

    Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord; trust in Him and He will do this: He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun. Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him; do not fret.. Ps 37:3-7

  2. Oh dear Jessica! What a blessing and a testimony... Thank you for your faithfulness and for sharing these wonderful words of encouragement! Praise God for Fiona and the charcoal! Praise God for Sharon getting to go home! Praise God for Samuel's healing! Send them my love and prayers.
    Mungu aku bariki!

  3. Only the foolish say that there's no such thing as miracles. These are true testimonies of how real God's love is. Thanks for all of the wonderful updates.

  4. What a great God we serve! Ask and you shall receive; seek and you shall find!
    So good to hear of Samuel's healing and Fiona's abundant charcoal. Sharon will be so glad to see you in her own home.
    I love you sister!
