Monday, May 31, 2010

Being Tested

God can turn ALL things into good! Today I started my day beautifully as my top priority was to finish Dustin's cards for each day I am gone. After I had finished this, I listened to Franchesca Batistelli and stood in amazement of the words in her songs as I praised God with my beautiful little girls. Nothing else to start my day would have prepared me for what was coming next.

As I went to my car to take off for some arrends, I noticed my Africa picture had been left in the car, I then realized I had not brought my bags in either and didn't see them. I wasn't sure if the car had been locked because I had already pressed the button to unlock it and didn't see before hand. I instantly called Dustin and asked if he had taken them out. I think we know the answer.

I called my fearless leader and broke down. Amen for the beginning of the prayer chain... Prayers from this moment on were needed and 100% there. Talked with the police and was told there was nothing we could do about it.

T minus 4 hours until my family was showing up for our BBQ in honor of my trip and NOTHING was done. Including the packing that had taken me over 4 weeks to get together.

What was a girl to do? This isn't any girl... This is a girl who is SURROUNDED by LOVE! God is LOVE and I saw Him EVERYWHERE today! Good ol' technology... Text messages to everyone, and facebook helped a ton!

I slowly pulled, at moments what felt like a fully inflated hot air balloon, back to earth. It passed through my head that God did not want me to go on this trip... My quick prayer... "God if this is not your will, make this IMPOSSIBLE to get to Africa!"

NOTHING got in my way today! God was SO evident and floored me to the point that by the time my family was showing up to my door and asking what else they could help me with I was saying, "nothing."

Thank God for the wonderful people He has placed in my life! My AWESOME team, my beautiful friends and family... My husband, who is an instant dropped EVERYTHING to do what he could...

Ended the night in a circle of prayer around our camp fire with family at ease with what God is doing in my life. My tears of fear where engulfed by tears of humbleness and love! SO loved, and blessed! God is SO good, I want to shout it from the roof tops! I am now not on earth as what I have seen today is only that of what God can do...

This day is being signed with Jesus Christ at the end of it... Onto tomorrow, and 3 days til we leave!

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18... "Be joyful always, pray continually, give thanks in ALL circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." 

This verse has become very precious to me as our team prepares for Africa.  Yesterday, at Church, we were prayed over by our entire congregation at 3 different services and by other groups throughout the day.  The feeling was indescribable!  Afterwards we were blessed to have training by a gifted man of God who works with hostage negotiations...  Prepare for the worst - anticipate the best! 

I do believe we are ready to walk hand in hand with God through whatever He brings our way.  I am so blessed to be a part of this team!  I love these women!!

Here is a photo of Mary Fugate...our New York sister, taken with Laura Anderson when Mary was here in April...  Can't wait to be with you, Mary!

And this was taken at CCC yesterday as we "manned" an information table between services...

Love and blessings to all... Pamela
Lala Salama (sleep in peace)

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Who is that sitting with you?


Big day tomorrow for the Kenya Team, a.k.a. Stars over Kisumu! We would love to see friends and family at one of the three Sunday services at Christ Community Church (8:45 am, 9:15 am or 11:00 am). The team will be commissioned as Christ's ambassadors (2 Corinthians 5:20) and as representatives of CCC.
The team will also be out at  a table on the lower patio and will be available to meet everyone and answer  questions. We would love to meet you and tell you about our upcoming trip.

"Oh my gosh, look, seriously, stop whatever it is that you are doing and look and see who it is that is sitting right there with you. Our Lord. Just thought I would point that out! I think it is just the greatest thing ever when I just stop to think about it…"  

I received this message earlier today and thought I would share it with all of you. Amazing to think about, isn't it?

Blessings from the garden,

Friday, May 28, 2010



The time of preparation is coming to and end- my suitcase is nearly packed, my room is ready to be vacant for the summer yet again, and my momma is increasingly concerned for me :)

As I think about this summer, I realize that I would have signed up to go to Kenya for the summer if just for this season of preparation! I've learned and grown so much in these last few months- through prayer, the fast, scripture, sharing my testimony with friends and family and strangers, and fundraising. And in each stage of preparation, God has remained faithful and good and stronger than anything that has tried to discourage me. And oh how it's been too easy to be discouraged as of late.

God has worked so mightily at home, both in my life and in the lives of my friends and family. Prayer requests that have been prayed for years have been answered and I've gotten chills so many times lately when I think about the faithfulness of God, His plan, and His love for ALL His children. Yet somehow, I've found it so difficult to be free of distraction and have been so discouraged- I'm discouraged by failures of the past, doubt of the future, and the chaos of the present. But like I've witnessed countless times- God is such an encourager. He's put people in my life to give an encouraging word, and layed in on the hearts of many to pray for me- sometimes at random times (but not so random for God!). One scripture verse that is on my heart that is always so encouraging to me is:

"The Lord your God is with you,
he is mighty to save.
He will take great delight in you,
he will quiet you with his love,
he will rejoice over you with singing."
-Zephaniah 3:17

I think we all have those verses that the Spirit uses to quiet us and redirect us to God- and this is certainly one that is nearly always on my heart in times of chaos.

So now as we are in the final stretch of preparation- keep praying!!! I know that Satan is and will continue to try to discourage us and distract us from what God has in store for us. But in this season, we'll choose to continue to look toward the author and perfecter of our faith and rely on His strength to see us through.

With love for all,

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Grateful Hearts!

Tonight at Church our team was honored to be a part of our weekly Prayer Meeting (every Wednesday...5:30pm at CCC!).  We have been so blessed by our friends, family, and even strangers that have supported us (and continue to do so!) as we prepare for our journey to Africa.

One of the many blessings came from a small group at Church who blessed us beyond belief with gifts too numerous to list!  When we began our preparations, we were given a list of items the Kisumu office was in need of to support their ministry programs.  Through the generous efforts of a small group of women, we have art supplies, teaching aids, alarm clocks (to help AIDS patients remember to take their medications), toothbrushes, clothes, wash cloths and SO much more!  In fact, though I wasn't able to be a part of this job, it took several of our team members more than 4 hours just to sort through all the donations.

As we joined together in prayer, we offered thanks for the generous support of so many... 

Knowing there is a group of people here at home who will be covering us in prayer, as we travel across the world, means so much!

We also prayed for Mary, our "sister from another mother"!  Mary is a dear part of our team who we were privileged to meet about a month ago when she visited Sacramento from her home state of New York.  Unbeknownst to us (but well known to God!) Mary had contacted Christ's Hope International about serving in Africa for 10 weeks this summer.  Jessica had also committed to 10 weeks, so CHI put them together and we all became a team!  We instantly bonded with Mary when we met her and we miss her terribly.  Soon...we will all converge in Nairobi - and then on to Kisumu

So there you have it.  Grateful hearts.  Our cup overflows...

In the precious name of Jesus,

Monday, May 24, 2010

Is this real?

11 Days until we leave for Africa! There are times I sit and think, Oh my... I am going to Africa! It hit me that I could be traveling through time and not know the difference. What I see in Africa is only what I know from Movies, Television, Pictures, and Stories. I see myself stepping into a land that was once classified on the same level as the Titanic, or Niel Armstrong's famous words as he landed on the moon. These stories are very much real but impossible to step into.

As I walk on African soil I wonder if what I feel will be similar to what it would be like to step into a storybook. Will it be what I expect? Probably not. I will and may not know what God has in store for our page in the story of Kisumu until long after we return to our territory. I can only trust that God knows our purpose for the people we meet in Kisumu and that we will not only fix our eyes on Jesus,  but let his light shine brighter than we could even imagine.

Prayers for our team as we get closer!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

We are SO excited!

Today our team met and excitedly discussed many of the remaining details for our trip.  To say we are excited about the adventure we are on with God would be an understatement!  I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say that we are so blessed!  God has really woven our hearts together and we can hardly wait to watch His plan unfold.  Next Sunday, May 30th, we will be commissioned and "sent off" by our Church family at Christ Community.  This will happen during each of our 3 services (8:45am, 9:15am and 11:00am) and we would love to have you join us if you are able!  Thank you for your continued support and prayers.

From left to right...Laura Anderson, Tanea DeVriend, Jessica Fuller, Pamela McClanahan and Pat Swarm

A Day of Rest

Greetings from the garden!

I trust you all have had a blessed restful Lord's Day. Praise, worship, fellowship with friends and family.
Maybe even an afternoon nap?

Well, our visa applications to enter Kenya have been filled out; our passports are in order; our immunizations have been completed; funds are still coming in.

The days are flying by! In all the busyness I want to live in the moment and savor every part of the daily routine and rhythm of life here. I want to rest in the Lord and trust that he holds the future securely. I believe he is preparing the entire team as we trust in and lean on him for everything.

I will be spending as much time as I can in the garden before we go. There are many places to sit and rest and contemplate and remember:

          "He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust." Psalm 91:1-2

Blessings from the garden,

Saturday, May 22, 2010

What was Paradise?

Greetings from the garden!

"What was Paradise but a garden? An orchard of trees and herbs, full of pleasure and nothing there but delights." William Lawson

Just in from the garden... The bluebird babies are loud and hungry. Mom and Dad Bluebird are so busy finding food for their little ones. Thomas (husband of 28 years yesterday!) and I are their assistants, finding earthworms, beetles and providing meal worms from the pet store. It is lots of fun to watch their forays in and out of the old birdhouse they decided to nest in.

The vegetables are all planted. Tomatoes, squash, beans, potatoes, peppers. The herbs are lush and tasty.

I am reminded that God planted the first garden. I am amazed at all the different shades of green there are!

Gardening has taught me many things; faith that a tiny seed will grow; patience in that process; wonder at how that mysterious life unfolds and provides nourishment; perseverance when the crop has failed or the yield is small; delight in the harvest of the season.

One of my favorite hymns is about coming to the garden alone, while the dew is still on the roses...

                         "and He walks with me and He talks with me and He tells me I am His own
                           and the joy we share as we tarry there, none other has ever known"
                           C. W. Austin

Well, I know I am passionate about gardening and watching how God provides for all the birds. And that reminds me of another favorite Scripture:

                        "Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat  or drink: or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes: Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?"     Matthew 6:25-27

So, no worries here in the garden! Africa is waiting...


Friday, May 21, 2010

Two weeks from today...

Jesus said, I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. In Me you have everything you need, both for this life and the life yet to come. Don't let the impact of the world shatter your thinking or draw you away from focusing on Me. The ultimate challenge is to keep fixing your eyes on Me no matter what is going on around you. When I am central in your thinking, you are able to view circumstances from My perspective...
Jesus Calling, by Sarah Young

I love our team of 6 women, each of them are incredible. I am so blessed and thankful that God has given  us each other to walk arm in arm in our upcoming journey to Kenya. Thank you God.

My daughter Michelle is home for the week, what a tremendous gift, Melissa comes home next week, I can hardly wait. I am so proud of both our daughters and love them dearly. Roger continues to be a tremendous support, I am extremely thankful for the 28 years of marriage that we have shared, I love and treasure him...

Well, its late, and I am off to bed!
Blessings, Laura

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Stars over Alfred

Hi Friends,

Finals are over. The semester is done. I moved out of my tiny dorm suite, said goodbye to my suitemates. Drove to Colorado with my roomate, Spent a couple days in Boulder. Flew back to NY. Now I'm home.

I love home. I never truly appreciated it until I moved to Long Island for college. At my house in Upstate NY (Alfred, to be exact), I can look out my window almost any night and see a sky full of stars. It's normal to see deer (and plenty of other animals) grazing through our yard. On summer nights, the lightning bugs illuminate the wood line behind our house and right now I can hear crickets singing (quite loudly too!) in the field below my house.

This is the picture of home I long for when all I can see are the city lights around me, when I'm weary from stress and pressures of life, and when I need to think of what seeing God's beauty really means...

I couldn't help but think of this picture of home when I was descending Bear Peak in Colorado just a few days ago. The hike up was one of the most difficult experiences physically that I think I've ever had. It was a really steep hike, and our bodies weren't used to the altitude, or the dryness, or the heat, or any sort of uphill walks (my campus is very very flat), or any physical activity at all as we'd been sitting in the car for 3 days prior. After hours of pressing through the pain and discomfort and singing The David Crowder Band song, "God of Creation"- "God of Creation, Take my breath away" (literally), we made it to the top. The views were stunning. I couldn't help but praise our Creator for such a beautiful place! I just wanted to sit and dwell in the beauty of the nature, but it was time to descend the mountain, and boy was I in for a treat! In other hikes I've done, the hike down is always so much more relaxing and enjoyable then the hike up... but not this time. Scaling down between huge slabs of rock and boulders, bouncing in and out of a creek, and trying to get a footing in the steep slope in the midst of shifting stones while searching for a small tree or branch to grab on to for stability was enormously difficult. We also weren't so wise and forgot to bring a snack with us and so our bodies began to give out slowly. After my concentration could let up a little bit, I couldn't help but think of home- the comfort of my own bed, the simple beauty of the valley, and the smiling faces that make it such a loving and inviting place.

Yes, I was descending one of the most beautiful mountains in the region,  but somehow I was still missing the beauty of home. (below is a picture 2/3 of the way to the top)

I guess that's one thing I'm guilty of all too often- not staying in the present moment and enjoying whatever circumstance I may be in. I'm the type of person who's always looking for the next step in life, the next adventure, and the next goal to accomplish. But when I can stop where I'm at and reexamine where I am, I can appreciate how God is still at work although I'm ready for the next thing. When I realized this on my hike down, I was able to continue to see the beauty of nature around me.

So now as I sit and look at the Stars over Alfred NY, I'm ready to watch God work mightily during these last couple weeks of preparation and rest. I look forward to seeing how God will use me here before I leave for Kenya, and I pray that in all I do, His name will be Glorified!

Meeting God in the present,

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Obstacles or Opportunities?


As our departure date draws near, we find an Icelandic volcano threatening to stop air traffic through London, while flights are being canceled due to a British Airways strike.  (British Airways is our connection from London to Nairobi...)   While these seem like potentially enormous obstacles, I choose to look at these situations as opportunities to draw nearer to God.  I do not claim to know God's plan, but I trust Him in all things and this is no different.  God is bigger than volcanoes and strikes!

"Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Finally, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.  Philippians 4:4-9

As we pray about these things, we cannot help but notice both issues center on London.  Therefore, we will look into changing our flights and trust God for the results.

Thank you for your prayers and thank you for following our blog!  Until next time, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight."  Proverbs 3:5-6

XOXO Pamela

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Peace and rest in the Lord

The Lord has been so faithful and awesome in answering my prayers on trust. This trip requires nothing but trust in order to feel ready and secure. In my weak areas the Lord has come through full force to show me how mighty and faithful he his. It has been easy for me to trust certain things in him, but when it comes to others areas I start to have my doubts and insecurities. Praise the Lord for his nurturing ways. He continues to shine through and prove himself to me in only ways that HE could.

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9

My prayer is that I will continually be able to trust in the Lord in ALL things, and have peace and rest in him no matter the scenario.

Smile because the Lord loves you!


Baby Jackson

With going to Africa and leaving my hubby and girlies for 3 weeks I have been doing a lot of different types of planning... One of my things on my to do list was to get all my pictures transferred over to my online albums to make some space on my memory cards for all the memories I will be making in Africa.

One of the 1st calls I ever had to Africa was by a little boy named Jackson. He came into my life when I worked at Cal Fit and was by far my favorite little boy there! I came across his picture as I was cleaning up the folders and my heart instantly skipped a beat. He has been on my mind a lot and all I can remember when looking into his face was wanting to go to Africa and meet more kids just like him.

Interesting tid bit: Forgot to blog yesterday and I found these pics about 5 mins ago... Dustin came in and asked me if I blogged about 4 mins ago :). God is so good!  


                                                                                Here he is when he was 2.

Mathew 18:5 And whoever welcomes a child like this in my name welcomes me.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Desmond was here!

Jambo! Greetings!

It happened today! The cultural collision that was mentioned in an earlier post was actually a pleasant event.
Desmond just happened to be in the neighborhood and spent time with us after church today. We have been welcomed to Kisumu before we even arrive there!

Desmond works in Kisumu with Christ's Hope International. What a delightful man who very much loves God and the people he ministers to. We were blessed to spend some time getting to know each other and to share a meal. (He likes Canadian bacon and pineapple pizza.)

We also got to see where we will be staying and some of the people we will be meeting and working with through a photo presentation Desmond had prepared. Here are some of the words to the song that began
the piece:
                     "Rescue the perishing, care for the dying
                       Snatch them in pity from sin and the grave:
                       Weep o'er the erring one, lift up the fallen
                       Tell them of Jesus, the Mighty to Save."

Until next time...
Blessings from the garden,

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Satisfaction in a Sun-scorched Land

Jambo! Greetings!
I am looking out of my window at a profuse garden of delights. Bluebirds are feeding their babies, roses are in full bloom and the sweetpeas are so fragrant! The watering is done. I think often of Kisumu and the people we will be meeting. I think of the ancient land they live in and what they might be waking up to in the morning. What does their day look like? Do they have enough food and water? Do they have shelter and safety? Health? Family and friends? All the many blessings I sometimes take for granted? Then I look at a little verse I love that says

                            "The LORD will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters  never fail." Isaiah 58:11

Satisfaction in a "sun-scorched" land. I am trusting you, Lord, for allowing our team to be a blessing to your people in Kisumu. May we offer Living Water to parched souls!

Blessings from the garden,

Two Worlds Colliding!!!

Today Desmond comes, too fun!

Desmond is from Ireland, he lives in Kisumu and oversees the Missionaries there. He (and George, a local Missionary) are the ones I spent most of my time with while I was working there with AIDS patients. Now he is here, in the States, coming to my home! My head is still trying to wrap around this.

Then, my dear friends here in the States, (our team) is going to be going to Africa together, and I will be seeing them, their actual faces, IN AFRICA. This has been two totally different worlds, experiences, parts of my life. I can not describe what it is like to have the "two worlds colliding"!

Tomorrow our team will meet Desmond, what a great opportunity all the way around! Thank you God...

Laura  :)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Trusting God in ALL things!

Jambo!  Thank you for following our blog!!

It has been an exciting week for me as I listen to God and respond with obedience.  Before I was a Christian I used to think obeying God meant giving up my personal freedom.  I was so wrong.  The more I learn to discern God's gentle promptings...and follow them...the more I experience His amazing love and His perfect plan.  Jeremiah 29:11 says, "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord.  Plans to prosper you and not to harm you; plans to give you hope and a future."  I am now 100% convinced that God does know best and He wants so much for us! 

That is the easy part: knowing He is good.  The hard part is following...  And yet everytime I do, I am blessed beyond comprehension.  So here is my confession: Sometimes I don't trust God enough to say, "Yes", because I am more focused on the details of my life that would be impacted...and without knowing how those will all be worked out...I am afraid to move ahead.

Forgive me, Father, for not trusting you completely.  You are so good; and I love you so much.  Please give me strength and courage to stop questioning your promptings when I can't see how it all works out.

In the precious name of Jesus...
Kwaheri (goodbye)
Kwa-ku-onana (see you later)

XOXO Pamela

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Monday? Sunday? What day is it again?

Well, I must say, Time is flying! It was just yesterday I was meeting these ladies as my team and now we have 23 days until we leave! I am so excited to have been chosen to take this journey and feel so blessed to have such a great handpicked team!

While time passes I can slowly see new light to what God has in plan for what he wants me to focus on in my lifetime. I can't help to notice God laying a passion in my heart for teaching girls the importance of sexual purity. I have been surrounded by a great group of young ladies at CCC to help spread this message but now get the chance to go to where something like premarital sex is not only "the thing" but in most cases fatal.

God has blessed me with the tools and resources to be used as a vessel to help spread the message of the gift sex can be. I can only see what I have already experianced here with the youth helping me more in Kisumu and know that what I experiance in Kisumu will help me with what I have to offer here even more.

Love, Tanea

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

"Do not withhold your mercy from me, O Lord"

"I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God." Psalm 40: 1-3

This week God has shown me his unfathomable love, righteousness, and mercy. In my time of need he listened and answered my prayers. He was always making his presence know. Even though I am undeserving of his love, he is so faithful. It can be so difficult to wait patiently for the Lord in times of need, but no matter what he always listens to our cries, even if cries are all we can manage. God will always be there to pick us up out of the pit and lift us up like wings on eagles. I praise God's Holy name! He is Good and Faithful! HOLY IS THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY!


Saturday, May 8, 2010

Friday - Back in town...

Thank you God that you are good, thank you God that you are faithful. Not because of what you do or do not do for me, but because you are God... and you are good and you are faithful.

I find myself stopping whatever it is that I am doing lately to be still and to listen to what ever it is the Lord may be saying. It seems to be easier to hear him speaking through the day when I have started the day setting aside time to sit with him.

I seem to be more aware these days... aware of Him walking the halls here at Christ Community. His presence here in my office, the silent listener to every conversation. More aware of him as I come and as I go...

Again, I thank you God in all things, thank you.

To Know Him

Jeremiah had an interesting thing to say this morning

                        He defended the cause of the poor and needy,
                        and so all went well.
                        "Is that not what it means to know me?"
                         declares the LORD.        Jeremiah 22:16

Hmmm. Something to meditate on.


Thursday, May 6, 2010

Broken is Good!

Hello friends,

I think last week, this week, and the next few weeks leading up to the journey to Kisumu are so important in preparation and God is shaping each of us so much.

This doesn't always feel good. This doesn't always make sense to us. The clay never knows what it is to be until the Potter works at it and works with it for an extended amount of time- shaping it and reshaping it until He is delighted.

All to say, this week I've felt very malleable. The last couple weeks for any student is inevitably difficult. On top of that- there were challenges and obstacles added to this semester's end that I've never been confronted with. Not all of it was bad, but it was certainly not a walk in the park. But God has been good and God has been faithful, and I've found so much rest and comfort and joy in His presence this week.

It all came into perspective for me today as I was reading Psalm 51... and verse 17 really stood out to me: "The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise." As we surrender a broken spirit and contrite heart to God (which is oftentimes more easily said then done), we allow Him to take over and create us anew, restore us, and sustain us.

I'd rather be broken and shaped by God than be content with the status quo any day.

Broken is good!

Until next Thursday,
Mary :)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Blessed with family and friends!

The last six days I have been visiting my son, Nick, daughter-in-law, Nicole, and grandchildren (Lucy, age 4 and Riley, age 2).  It has been a blessed time full of special memories and lots of laughs!  They are newly stationed in Charleston, South Carolina with Nick working as a Navy Corpsman at a family practice clinic.  I am very proud of all he has accomplished.  They have a beautiful home with lots of other young families in the neighborhood.  I am so blessed to have been able to have this time with them before going to Africa.  I will take sweet memories of these precious ones in my heart.

I echo Jessica's comments about our team.  I completely agree we have been put together intentionally.  As great as my time has been here in SC, I look forward to getting home and continuing to prepare for the work we will be doing in Kisumu.

Love and blessings until my next entry!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


I am so thankful for this amazing group of women! This week has been trying for everyone and it has shown me how loving, caring, supportive, and Christian these STARS are. God is Good and God is Faithful (Laura) and it is so amazing how he has woven our hearts and friendships together!  There is no doubt that we will do great works for the Lord in Kenya, because we have such a perfectly hand picked team going.

"A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity." Proverbs 17:17


Monday, May 3, 2010

Falling Stars? I think not!

With a little blow to our team, we embraced the idea that God has different plans for some of us, Our team now consists of 5 rather than 6, with the news that Brooke will not be joining us on our trip.

We will continue to pray that Brookes light as a star will no longer shine over Kisumu but here this summer. She added so much to our team and will be missed tremendously. We are glad we got to bond with her the way we did and know God has plans for her in Africa in the future...

Well, although our team hit a little bump, it has pushed us into overdrive in the prayer category... something that was being a little forgotten due to all our team preparation. It is apparent that God has amazing plans for this team and Satan is working hard at trying to pull us down.

Greg's message this Sunday hit home with a lot of us and we are working hard at fixing our eyes on Jesus. We ask that everyone keep our team in their prayers!

Love, Tanea
(The theme for this week) 1 Corinthians 15:33 (pray that our bad company will not take our eyes off what God has in plan for this team)

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Friday - A day late! Laura

Wow! 33 Days until Kenya Departure. Going BACK to Kenya, my heart is pounding...Lots of love and prayers to anyone who may be following this. We sure do appreciate your love, prayers and support. xoxo Laura Lou :)

Happy May Day

Jambo from Fair Oaks, California!

I would like to share with you all just one of the ways God is working in the "daily" of my life.

Yesterday, I was on an errand to get some bird food for the resident bluebirds that have decided to nest in an old birdhouse in the back garden. I had purchased the meal worms and was exiting the parking lot. Waiting to turn right to go home I saw directly across the street the residence of a retired missionary from Africa. I remembered that she had recently moved back to her residence from a month-long stay at a  local
physical rehabilitation facility. She had fallen and broken her right femur (thigh) in two places.

So, I crossed the street and decided to take a "chance" and see if Lois was accepting visitors. At the front desk I was told that indeed she was in her room and her caregiver was with her. Not knowing what to expect I knocked on her door and was welcomed in.

We renewed our acquaintance. I told her I had met her on a Sunday when she helped our STARS group with the Swahili language and had given us a book she had written about her days as a missionary to Congo. She and I shared how good God is all the time, even when there is pain and suffering. She told me "when you are flat on your back the only place to look is up".

Well, she was waiting for her physical therapist's first visit and she was concerned about her kneecap being unstable. I waited with her until the therapist arrived and we hoped he would have an Ace bandage for her to use. Lois was a nurse in Congo and shared how she had stitched people up but was amazed that today staples "do the trick" quite well. Her healing has been rapid and we were praising God for that when the therapist arrived. Sadly, he had just given his last Ace bandage to another client.

So, off I went to the local RiteAid and in fifteen minutes they had what they needed. When I came back in the room Lois was walking with the aid of a walker and Mike, the therapist! The bandage will be used another time. I believe it will last longer than flowers and candy!

I also believe God has connected us all to each other in amazing ways. As I watch and wait for Him daily, I see the proof of I John4: 9-10 "This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son..." and I John 4:11 "Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another."
