Sunday, May 16, 2010

Desmond was here!

Jambo! Greetings!

It happened today! The cultural collision that was mentioned in an earlier post was actually a pleasant event.
Desmond just happened to be in the neighborhood and spent time with us after church today. We have been welcomed to Kisumu before we even arrive there!

Desmond works in Kisumu with Christ's Hope International. What a delightful man who very much loves God and the people he ministers to. We were blessed to spend some time getting to know each other and to share a meal. (He likes Canadian bacon and pineapple pizza.)

We also got to see where we will be staying and some of the people we will be meeting and working with through a photo presentation Desmond had prepared. Here are some of the words to the song that began
the piece:
                     "Rescue the perishing, care for the dying
                       Snatch them in pity from sin and the grave:
                       Weep o'er the erring one, lift up the fallen
                       Tell them of Jesus, the Mighty to Save."

Until next time...
Blessings from the garden,

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