Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Grateful Hearts!

Tonight at Church our team was honored to be a part of our weekly Prayer Meeting (every Wednesday...5:30pm at CCC!).  We have been so blessed by our friends, family, and even strangers that have supported us (and continue to do so!) as we prepare for our journey to Africa.

One of the many blessings came from a small group at Church who blessed us beyond belief with gifts too numerous to list!  When we began our preparations, we were given a list of items the Kisumu office was in need of to support their ministry programs.  Through the generous efforts of a small group of women, we have art supplies, teaching aids, alarm clocks (to help AIDS patients remember to take their medications), toothbrushes, clothes, wash cloths and SO much more!  In fact, though I wasn't able to be a part of this job, it took several of our team members more than 4 hours just to sort through all the donations.

As we joined together in prayer, we offered thanks for the generous support of so many... 

Knowing there is a group of people here at home who will be covering us in prayer, as we travel across the world, means so much!

We also prayed for Mary, our "sister from another mother"!  Mary is a dear part of our team who we were privileged to meet about a month ago when she visited Sacramento from her home state of New York.  Unbeknownst to us (but well known to God!) Mary had contacted Christ's Hope International about serving in Africa for 10 weeks this summer.  Jessica had also committed to 10 weeks, so CHI put them together and we all became a team!  We instantly bonded with Mary when we met her and we miss her terribly.  Soon...we will all converge in Nairobi - and then on to Kisumu

So there you have it.  Grateful hearts.  Our cup overflows...

In the precious name of Jesus,

1 comment:

  1. We were happy to bless your team. We are keeping you in our prayers. It is so close to departue time, how exciting and nerve racking! Lord, give this team peace and strength, in Jesus name.
