Friday, May 28, 2010



The time of preparation is coming to and end- my suitcase is nearly packed, my room is ready to be vacant for the summer yet again, and my momma is increasingly concerned for me :)

As I think about this summer, I realize that I would have signed up to go to Kenya for the summer if just for this season of preparation! I've learned and grown so much in these last few months- through prayer, the fast, scripture, sharing my testimony with friends and family and strangers, and fundraising. And in each stage of preparation, God has remained faithful and good and stronger than anything that has tried to discourage me. And oh how it's been too easy to be discouraged as of late.

God has worked so mightily at home, both in my life and in the lives of my friends and family. Prayer requests that have been prayed for years have been answered and I've gotten chills so many times lately when I think about the faithfulness of God, His plan, and His love for ALL His children. Yet somehow, I've found it so difficult to be free of distraction and have been so discouraged- I'm discouraged by failures of the past, doubt of the future, and the chaos of the present. But like I've witnessed countless times- God is such an encourager. He's put people in my life to give an encouraging word, and layed in on the hearts of many to pray for me- sometimes at random times (but not so random for God!). One scripture verse that is on my heart that is always so encouraging to me is:

"The Lord your God is with you,
he is mighty to save.
He will take great delight in you,
he will quiet you with his love,
he will rejoice over you with singing."
-Zephaniah 3:17

I think we all have those verses that the Spirit uses to quiet us and redirect us to God- and this is certainly one that is nearly always on my heart in times of chaos.

So now as we are in the final stretch of preparation- keep praying!!! I know that Satan is and will continue to try to discourage us and distract us from what God has in store for us. But in this season, we'll choose to continue to look toward the author and perfecter of our faith and rely on His strength to see us through.

With love for all,

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