Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Baby Jackson

With going to Africa and leaving my hubby and girlies for 3 weeks I have been doing a lot of different types of planning... One of my things on my to do list was to get all my pictures transferred over to my online albums to make some space on my memory cards for all the memories I will be making in Africa.

One of the 1st calls I ever had to Africa was by a little boy named Jackson. He came into my life when I worked at Cal Fit and was by far my favorite little boy there! I came across his picture as I was cleaning up the folders and my heart instantly skipped a beat. He has been on my mind a lot and all I can remember when looking into his face was wanting to go to Africa and meet more kids just like him.

Interesting tid bit: Forgot to blog yesterday and I found these pics about 5 mins ago... Dustin came in and asked me if I blogged about 4 mins ago :). God is so good!  


                                                                                Here he is when he was 2.

Mathew 18:5 And whoever welcomes a child like this in my name welcomes me.

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