Thursday, May 6, 2010

Broken is Good!

Hello friends,

I think last week, this week, and the next few weeks leading up to the journey to Kisumu are so important in preparation and God is shaping each of us so much.

This doesn't always feel good. This doesn't always make sense to us. The clay never knows what it is to be until the Potter works at it and works with it for an extended amount of time- shaping it and reshaping it until He is delighted.

All to say, this week I've felt very malleable. The last couple weeks for any student is inevitably difficult. On top of that- there were challenges and obstacles added to this semester's end that I've never been confronted with. Not all of it was bad, but it was certainly not a walk in the park. But God has been good and God has been faithful, and I've found so much rest and comfort and joy in His presence this week.

It all came into perspective for me today as I was reading Psalm 51... and verse 17 really stood out to me: "The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise." As we surrender a broken spirit and contrite heart to God (which is oftentimes more easily said then done), we allow Him to take over and create us anew, restore us, and sustain us.

I'd rather be broken and shaped by God than be content with the status quo any day.

Broken is good!

Until next Thursday,
Mary :)

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