Monday, June 28, 2010

Another Brother

     Last week a few of us went to a local market. I met a man named William. I bought a few crosses from him to give to patients. Him and I made a connection, so when we went back to the market a few days later I wanted to go say hi to him even though I wasn't going to buy anything. He asked me what I was doing in Kisumu. I told him about our OVC program, CTW, and the HIV patients that we work with. I proceeded to tell him that our main focus is to spread the Gospel of Jesus. I then asked him if he was saved. As many Kenyans he said he was Christian but he was very unsure of his salvation. I asked him if he would like to accept Jesus into his heart and he said yes. Just as we were about to do the prayer Tanea walked up. William accepted the Lord with Tanea and I by his side. We told him that there was a party going on in Heaven. He was so happy and full of the Holy spirit. He kept saying how happy he was that he did not have to wonder or worry anymore about what was going to happen if he died. He said he did not have to fear anything anymore. Tanea then gave him her cross that she was wearing and I gave him a pocket testament. All three of us were on a high like no other.
     The Next Friday I went to see how William was doing. I brought him a New Testamate. He pulled out his pocket testamate and said, "I want to show you something." He pointed to John chapter 11. There was nothing written there but he was showing he how far he had read. William loved reading the word and was so excited to show me how far he had gotten. I wrote some verses in the front of the New Testamate bible and he also wanted me to write something, anything in the pocket testamate so he could refer to it. Another reason for my visit was to invite him to church. At our previous meeting he said he does really go to church and doesn't know of a good church to go to. The church we have been going to here is wonderful and reminds me a lot of Christ Community. I brought the form that the church gave us the week before with the name on it. I gave it to William and told him that we would be there and would love it if he came.
    Sunday...After much prayer William showed up at church. There was no address on the form so he called the number on the paper and found out where it was. While we were there he told us that he has been telling his friends about Jesus and everything that he is reading. He said he enjoyed himself at church and would like to come back again next week. At the end of the service he wanted to find the pastor's wife, the woman he talked to on the phone. He gave her one of his crosses that he sells in his shop and another one for the pastor. God is amazing. He answered this prayer in such a huge way. William is the first person that I have met here with such little biblical knowledge and he has such a large hunger for the Lord.

Pray that William will continue to seek the Lord. Pray that he will continue reading the word and continue growing in his understanding of Jesus. The impact that he can have on the community is TREMENDOUS! More then we can even imagine. I have yet to meet someone here who is not open to the word of God.



William Tanea and I right after he accepted the Lord.


  1. What an AWESOME story!! Will contiue to pray for him and you, Jessica, while you are still in Kisumu speading the good news of Jesus with words, deeds and love.

  2. Jessica...GREAT BLOG! And what a wonderful testimony to God's faithfulness and your obedience. I can't wait to read the next stories as I know they are unfolding even the places you go. Love and blessings always! Pamela

  3. My sweet daughter, You are doing a wonderful job spreading the love and gospel. This story of William is very inspirational. We love you, MOM and DAD
