Saturday, June 19, 2010

Jambo from Punchinello (Tanea)

Well, as I was processing most of this trip I have countlessly asked what God's purpose was for me here. I have seen his hand working constantly, but with me, I am finding my plans are not always God's.

God has been working hard in my heart. I can feel him mending heartstrings as well as tearing some apart that have been hardened by nature.

I am finding blessings here in moments I never would have thought to be where I would find them.

I knew coming here that this trip was going to be for me, but I have to humble myself and accept that God wanted me to change more than I knew.

"The grass is greener on the other side"
My heart was broken and my eyes were opened this week when talking to Omondi, the Tuk Tuk driver. He asked me if I was ready to go home. He went on to tell me about how America is next to heaven and he wishes to one day get to go to America. This broke my heart because if he could only see through my heart at that moment he would know how much I truly saw the effects of Sin on these people. The children here play on the most beautiful playgrounds (Trees, hills... etc.) The people are beyond welcoming and so beautiful that I could only think that this place is closer to heaven then anywhere I have ever been. It was then that I saw the similarities and the effect Sin has on us people... (America)

I went on to tell Omondi about homeless in america (the tenderloin, and skid row... where Jr. high at CCC ministers to) and he found it really hard to believe what I was saying.

"Ignorance is Bliss"
America believes our grass is greener, and we want to share our green grass with the dying fields. I, as an "American", had the thought that I was coming to share my green grass and I would be bringing back a clump of dry dead grass to encourage more people to come to this country to share more green grass.

I have now found that in the midst of our ignorance I will be bringing back rich lush GREEN grass.

There is nothing here that I can't have in America... There is nothing in American that someone can't have here... For HAVING is not something that is perishable... For the Lord is SO good that he has presented us ALL with the oportunity to accept Him and be presented to him in The TRUE land of Oportunity one day.... For this is the reason I love him...

I love the Lord for the people here that I have met... I can only pray that if I don't get to come back to Kenya they will be at the feast in Heaven one day... Until then, I will wait upon the Lord.

I finished my conversation with Omondi and by the end I asked Him if he was going to be focused on getting to America... His reply, "No, just Heaven..."

I invited Omondi (who would usually sit in his tuk tuk waiting) to come in and help us with VBS. I pulled out my bible and he reached for it. I asked him is He had one and he told me not an English version which he really wanted. I told him I would give him mine before I leave. He sat reading my bible the whole time and then joined us for some games with the kids.


I wanted to touch on the "You Are Special" skit we did. I was SO blessed to get to play Punchinello. These pictures are from the rehearsal and Pam got to videotape the actual version. During practice, when ELI (Laura) propped Punchinello on the work bench to tell him that all his dot's don't matter... I thought about the idea of truly looking into my makers eyes and hearing the same words. ELI (Laura) had tears streaming down her face and I could tell that this is truly how God sees his Children. He weeps over the terrible  things we feel because of the pain others cause us. I love my maker!!!!

And here is Lillian teaching... (What she does so great!) This is my new BFF... She has told me countless times that she will cry when I leave... I think she doesn't realize how much I will miss her... She is such a beautiful woman with a heart of love for the Lord. (She calls me her mentor, but I would love to be more like her!)

Here is Julie, I told her that God put me on 2 walks with her so that she could minister to me. I dound myself on a walk through the trees with her on the way to one of the schools. She reminded me that we are blessed to be able to walk to share what we love the most, the gospel. This woman is an AMAZING woman of God. She has 5 kids and I talked about her in my other blog.

1 comment:

  1. God has blessed you as you have blessed others. I loved how you invited Omondi to VBS and shared with him how beautiful his country is and how his focus chaged to getting to heaven and not America.
    It's great to see the pictures, thanks.
    Love the hair!
