Friday, June 18, 2010

New Experiences -- Posted by Laura

Where to Start???


I met a woman in the hospital today, she’s about 30-years old. Her name is Sharon.

Like most others she’s quite ill and alone… no visitors… abandoned. We talked for a while about the emptiness she was feeling. I shared that there was a time in my life where I had felt empty, too… but, now I live with Christ in my heart and now I am full with the love of God.

I shared with her that God says in the Bible, "Behold I stand at the door and knock, if any man hears my voice and opens the door, that God will come in with him and dine with him and he with me." (Revelation 3:20).

She asked Jesus into her heart and her face changed from hope-less to hope-filled. It was a beautiful time! When we left, she was smiling and saying "Praise the Lord!” :)

Next to her is another women that we’re ministering to… she was eating on the floor between beds. It’s no longer allowed to bring meals in to the patients… the reason for this is that they are sometimes poisoned by the person bringing the food. Her dish had a chicken leg with the foot attached. Not the part of the leg with meet, but the part below that. Nothing is wasted here.

|--District Hospital--|

Yesterday afternoon I spent some time at District Hospital. There where prisoners cuffed to their beds. They were along side three patients that I sat with and ministered to.


The first one was Patrick, and his sister Benta (who was caring for him). I’m not sure exactly what was wrong, but he was afraid of some kind of spirits around him. He was swinging his fists in the air to try and keep them away. His tongue was out and he kept making sounds and noises like something was inside him.

What do you do in a situation like this? Nothing different than with the other patients… pray! So I prayed the name of Jesus over him again and again, saying Psalm 23, Matthew 6, The Lord’s Prayer, and Romans 8:38-39, which says, "Nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Death can’t… life can’t… angels won’t… all the power of hell itself can not keep God’s love away… Our fears for today… our worries for tomorrow… no matter where we are, high above the sky or in the deepest ocean… Nothing can ever separate us from the love of God, which was demonstrated by our Lord Jesus Christ when he died for our sins."

At first he became more upset and his sister had to hold his arms and legs down. I asked her if I could give him a cross necklace, and she told me to put it around his neck while I was praying for him. So I did… and his tongue got further out of his mouth and he got even noisier.

Benta told me that just before I had done that, he had wanted me to leave. I couldn’t understand because it was not in my language… she just told me to keep praying. Then things calmed down some and I sat with and talked with her. I could have stayed all day, but it was time to see the next patient. I’m still not sure what to make of that whole thing; it was something new to me.


Austin was next on my “rounds.” His father. Lucas, was also needing to hold him down! Lucas’ wife was crying at the bed. Austin needed medicine to help him, which I was more than happy to help him with.

Austin was on his way to work one day and just collapsed. Ever since then, his mind and body are not working in coordination with each other and his mind is overcome with fear.

I prayed with Austin and his father, and during my prayer he was calm.

I often pray for patients with my eyes open… looking deep into their eyes and gently rubbing their head, face and arms. I’ve discovered that praying this way seems to make a connection for the patients here… Eyes meeting each other, and touch, helps bring peace and calm in the middle of the pain.

With Austin, I put a wooden cross necklace around his neck as I prayed for him.

Last year, I had given many of the same type of necklaces to patients as a reminder that God loves them, and is always with them, that they are valuable, and that they are never alone. I didn’t have as many this year to give away… I wish I had more.


There was another thing that happened… I’m trying to understand.

There was a man named Leonard in another bed. His mother, Wilfred, and his father, Rofile, were sitting on the bed next to him. George (CHI worker) told me that Leonard was unable to walk and it was obvious that something was clearly wrong with his mind, too. He just kept saying numbers. 1 2 3… 1 2 3… 1 2 3… 3 4 5… 5 5 5… 5 6 7 8 9 10… 11 12… on and on he would go…

After watching him for a while… I went over and sat with his mother and father. I asked them if I could pray with him and give him a cross necklace. They were very happy for that.

I went and sat on his bed with him and looked him right in the eyes… he just kept repeating 1 2 3… 1 2 3… 1 2 3… And I thought to myself, what do I do now? All this guy does is say numbers… So, I decided I decided to speak “his language” … and I joined in… and together we kept saying 1 2 3… 1 2 3… 1 2 3…

At this, Leonard smiled… and so did I. Well… he got louder and louder… and we went on together to 4 5 6… etc.

Then I broke away from the counting and said, “God loves Leonard” …and he smiled even more… then he repeated to me, "God loves Leonard.”

I said, “Leonard is valuable” … he smiled even bigger… and got even louder as he repeated back, “Leonard is valuable.”

And on it went through all of Psalm 23, “The Lord is my Shepard” … “I shall not be in want...”

Then “Jesus loves me” … and he said it again and again. At this, he became more and more excited. I was pointing to the heavens as I said it… and Leonard pulled his arms out and did the same…

Then I crossed my arms… and he crossed his. Then I pointed to myself… and he pointed to himself.

Leonard and I became quite a scene… and quite the attraction… everyone in the ward was watching us at this point. And he was becoming more and more excited. At this point I took a step back because he began trying to move his legs and it was all becoming a bit much for me to be part of.

Suddenly, Leonard stood up and started walking around… saying "I am walkin’ in Jesus… I am walking in Jesus." He was so excited and moving around so much that I had to step back even further… a couple of beds away… and I sat down and watched.

My eyes were big… my mouth was hung open… and everyone in the ward was looking the same! To be honest, I didn’t know what to make of the whole thing… At this point I didn’t know what to do or what to say… I just sat there staring… and I was a little shaky, too, at this point… again, this was a totally new experience for me.

While I was sitting there staring, George (CHI) came and sent me to another man to pray for, Odero.


Odero’s daughter was sitting with him when I walked up to them… I began to pray for Odero's health and for his daughter Alice.

I was still in a bit of shock from the whole Leonard thing… and I wasn’t as focused on them as I usually am… but, it was a good time of prayer.

At this point I was suffering from “experience overload” and my head was still trying to take in my earlier interactions with patients.

It’s been a strange day for me.  I feel a little funny talking about today’s happenings because it’s so outside of my "norm.” I even feel a little strange sharing the day with people here because what had happened was so different from anything I have known.

But, I feel like if I don’t say anything, I’m not being very true to God… and if I do say something, well, it could be very difficult for people to understand… (which I get, because I’m still trying to make sense of it all myself).

Soooo… I guess as we say… "it is what it is" and I thank God for the blessing of being a part of such things… even if they’re a bit overwhelming.

Thank you, God… thank you, God… that you are good. Thank you, God… that you are faithful even in ways that I don’t understand. Thank you, God… that you are awesome… huge… powerful… and amazing. Thank you God, thank you...

xoxo Laura


  1. Well, Laura, you are experiencing God!!!!
    Miracles are happening all around us some little some big! I PRAISE God that He allowed you to experience the miracles you saw today! I am not to shocked to hear that the lame man walked because I read about thoes kind of miracles happening all the time through Gospel For Asia...It goes to show that God still does miraculous things and the type you experienced seems to happen more so outside of the USA.

    It will take you and the others many days to process all you have been through, as you well know, and I have been praying for you gals about that. I pray that you will continue to bless others and share Christ with others on your travels back home and that every encounter will be a blessing from God. Looking forward to seeing you all again. I hope your team will have a chance to have a mini retreat when you get back to help sort out things.

    Mungu Aku Bariki (God bless you)

  2. Traci, so great to hear from you. Thank you so much for all your wonderful comments of encouragement! Thank you also for all your wonderful gifts both for the team and for the children here. Your bible study group has blessed all of us and so many here in amazing ways! God bless you...and THANK YOU! Love ya tons! Laura :)
