Friday, June 11, 2010

Building Relationships

Hello to all!

Just a quick update on the way God is blessing our team.  I have been privileged to go to the Russia Hospital and Maseno Hospital several times this week.  The first time out was a bit awkward but now when I go to the hospital I see the people I have seen before and they know me.   I love the way we are building relationships with these people.

There is a little girl named Mildred, who on my first visit was very "down".  She was having a difficult time breathing and could hardly speak or eat.  Today when I went to see her she was sitting up in bed eating rice and beans!  She smiled when she saw us coming and it was great to be with her.

The same is true with Christine, who's daughter is Lucy.  I continue to see her whenever I visit Russia Hospital and I am always blessed by our time together.

I can clearly see how the long term volunteers here love the work they are doing.  It is a blessing and a privilege to be with each of these precious people.

Until next time,


  1. So cool to hear of your work. Great job team!!

  2. I love hearing about the day to day experiences. God BLess all of you!

  3. God bless you Pam and your team. I am keeping all of you in prayers. Take care.


  4. Thank you all for following the blog and keeping us in your prayers. It is amazing to see God so clearly at work here. Love and appreciation to all!
