Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Habri Yako

My past week here has been spent mostly with the kids working in OVC (Orphans and Valuable Children). There is too much to even put in words let alone a blog. All the people are so happy that we are able to teach the word of God to their children.

The program that we have been teaching is the ABC's of God. Last week we taught that "God is Jealous" and this week we are teaching that Jesus is King. We teach the kids a song, memory verse and bible story. Last week I taught from 1 Samuel 5 as an example of idols.

The first school that we visited was very welcoming. The kids were so excited that we were there. They basically fought over who was going to hold our hands. Even though they only had a bench to sit on or two to a chair they were so well behaved. Once we were done with the lesson we got to play with the kids for about an hour. They loved learning songs and games and just being in our presences.

The next day we vistited a school that was about thirty minutes away, which seemed to be in the middle of no where. It was in the hill side of the most beautiful part Kenya that I had been yet. The school was started by a pastor and his wife. They started the school because they had so many children from their neighborhood at their house all the time. The school had Noah's Arc paintings on the wall. It was such a nice Kenyan school. When we got there they sang us two welcome songs including this little light of mine. These children were very welcoming and open to us. They loved one of our main OVC songs. "Jesus loves me, Jesus loves all of us"

Saturday we did two ministry care points. The second one was in Manyatta at a school. We got there early so we had extra time to play with the kids before the lesson. I got to know the kids and let them get comfortable with me. Then we played drums and I danced around with some of the kids. I also brought a mirror and some of the kids laughed and were amazed at looking at themselves. Once we starting teaching the lesson and singing some kids from outside came up to the window to watch and listen. Eventually they came in and sat with us. The kids from the ministry care point are either orphans or have parents who are patients in our care and compassion program. It was so fun to love on these kids and hang out with them. When we were leaving they just stood with us until we got on our matatu to leave. They didn't want to go home. They just wanted to be around us.

Yesterday and today along with teaching VBS we have been trying to find new schools to teach our Bible lessons. That has been such a blessing for my faith. Every school that I have been to so far (about 8) have been desiring to have the word of God spoken to their kids. They want us to preach in their classes, and the only issue they have is making time for us to come in. It is such a contrast to the way it would be in the states. The people here want and need Jesus and are so much happier because of it. It is so refreshing to see the lifestyle they live.

Pray that we get more schools to teach Bible study!

God is Good!


1 comment:

  1. Jessica,

    We will be praying for you, the children and the new schools. You are doing amazing work. Looks like you are having some great experiences. What age ranges of the children? Keep up the great work.

    God Bless,
    Jen & Mel
