Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Little Juliana, Mildred and Robert -- Posted by Laura

We're not exaclty sure how old Juliana is. When she came to Christ's Hope International (CHI) she was malnutritioned and quite ill. Our best guess is that we think she's about three... although she is unbelievably small for a three year old.

When I first met Juliana the first thing I noticed was that she was the opposite of what you'd expect a 3-year old to be... happy, giggly, bouncing around, and curious about everything in sight. Not Juliana... she was distant and lost in an expression that never never changed.

In my attempt to engage with her I picked up a small ball and sat down in front of her to play catch... She was very good at the game, but her expression never changed... it was as if she was just going through the motions. We played for a long time. I smiled... and laughed... giving it all I had... but still... no expression from Juliana.

I wasn't giving up! I pulled out a bag of finger puppets that we had brought here with us... and a small mirror.

The first finger puppet was a beautiful butterfly... and I slipped it onto my finger... finally something... I could see that Juliana really liked that! So, I loaded up my fingers with more puppets... and soon all the children were captivated at my impromtu show... they all gathered around as if the puppets were real, live characters... then they'd run away from the puppet that looked like a snake... :) It was so amazing watching their little faces as they "listened" to the puppets...

And with the mirror... the happy expressions they made when they looked at themselves in the mirror was an incredible gift... Joy! Joy! Joy!

But... still not much with Juliana.

At this point she became my "mission." I pulled her up on my lap... face-to-face... and slowly started to bounce her on my knee... and kiss her hands and cheeks. Then... it happened... there it was... the connection!!! A huge smile!!! :)

I laughed with her... while at the same time my eyes welled up with tears. You know what it's like... I'm guessing you've been at this place before, too... experiencing a release of great joy, but sadness at the same time. I wasn't done yet!

I started to do a small tickle... and Juliana's giggle became contagous... and we were overcome with the kind of smiles and laughs that come from deep inside the gut.

Then... there was "peak-a-boo" ... and she now became the instigater and I was playing along! She would hide behind my chair and come around front and laugh... then run away... and come back again... then do it all again... and again... and again... never getting tired of it... as if each time was the very first time for her.

And for this brief moment in her life, Juliana had escaped from her shell... without a care in the world... feeling completely safe... completely cared for... just living in the moment... finally, she was a 3-year old little girl!

After our play time she clutched on to my leg for the longest time as I gently stroked her face and arms.

And the tables were unexpectedly turned. Now... I was the one without expression... lost in my thoughts... withdrawn into my own kind of shell... and I was deflated as I thought about where and what Juliana was going back to when our time would come to say good-bye.

Juliana is burned into my mind and will be in my heart and prayers always...


Mildred is a young girl of about thirteen, I would guess. Although she, like Lillian, also looks much smaller than a thirteen year old. Others on my Team have shared about her in their blogs.

Mildred was so sick... I can't even tell you... so sick that we wondered if she would even survive. We prayed and prayed.

I sat with her in the hospital... her breathing was so labored. Because of the language barrier I couldn't communicate with her verbally, so I tryed to play a game of "thumb wars" with her... but, there was very little response.

I left the hospital that day wondering what she made of the whole thing... "who is this crazy stranger, a "mazungo" (white person) no less... sitting at my bedside... taking my hand and doing some goofy thing with my thumbs?"

A couple of days passed and I went to see her again. This time she was sitting up on the hospital bed in a beautiful yellow dress. :) I was floored!

I sat on the bed with her... and prayed for her... and then... reached over and picked up her hand... clasping it with mine. One more attempt at a game of thumb wars. This time... she smiled... and went right to it! She not only played, but she beat me both times, ha! :) It was as if she had been practicing for two days... and her smile stole my heart as we played that silly little game...

I found and interpreter... and I told Mildred about the small wooden cross with a small silver ring on it that I was wearing around my neck.

I told her that this particular cross was very dear to me... because my husband had given it to me before I left to remind me how much he loves me... and that he would be with me while I was in Africa.... and it was also to remind me that God loves me... and is always with me wherever I go.

I asked Mildred if I could give her this very special gift... to remind her that God is always with her... and that she is very valuable... and that God knows her name... and loves her very much. This became another God-moment and a sweet, sweet time with Mildred.


There are so many, many stories, but, I'll close my time with you today by telling you about a young man named Robert.

I stayed "home" at the CHI house yesterday to help care for a patient who is staying with us. His name is Robert... and it's likely he wont make it... but our prayers are hopeful.

Robert's bed sores are so deep and large... one with absolutely no skin remaining is on his hip and joint. Trying to desribe it to you... it looks like the exhibit that's in the States on the human body... the one showing the inside of the body with no skin. As he moves his leg... I can see every thing working inside of his leg.

He has three large, deep bed sores... one on each hip and one very large one on his tail bone. His wounds need to be cleaned and bandaged each day, which is an excruciatingly painful process for him... my stomach and my head sometimes swirl and I get hot as we help him... I believe from seeing him in such pain.

The Kisumu missionaries who live here are so good with him... as they are with all the patients! I spent a long time with Robert yesterday... we bathed him and I worked on his feet (they're so bad) for a very long time... soaking them... scrubbing them... trimming his toe nails, then covering them with Vaseline. Then I would share lots of memory verses with him as I rubbed the back of his neck, arms and head. He can be a little ornery at times... I guess I would be too... but, he would often hold my hand as I sat with him. Again, I am blessed with another sweet, sweet time.

Blessings, Laura
Psalm 23

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing in detail of some of the encounters you are having. You women are truly giving youself to them. Praying for you and them. God has anoited your head with oil and your cup overflows. PRAISING THE LORD!!
