Thursday, June 17, 2010

Full Circle -- Posted by Laura

Here are some updates on some people I’ve written about earlier.

|--Feebe and Zeddidiah--|

Okay... yesterday was another God-filled amazing day... I was able to go back and see little Zeddidiah and his mother Feebe at Maseno hospital again. (I first introduced you to them in one of my previous blogs: Saturday, June 12, 2010).

As a reminder... Zeddidiah is the little boy that I bathed outside of the hospital in a little tub of water. He’s 3-years old, but can’t stand or walk due to malnutrition.

Today... His ear and nose are still oozing and his cough is still there. Just like the last time I visited he was sitting on the edge of his mom’s (Feebe) hospital bed... pants wet... bed wet.

His mother was struggling to reach for a banana to give him because it was too far away from him to get on his own... I set him up with the banana. They had no water to drink so I gave the bottle of Gatorade that I had brought with me for the day. It was good to be with Zeddidiah and Feebe again.

|--Rosemary and Paul--|

Rosemary was able to go home! Very exciting! She was going home with Lydia (a woman who had been caring for her at the hospital).

It wasn’t until we reached Lydia’s home that I realized who Lydia was. She is married to a man named Paul... a patient that I had been visiting last year on my trip here. At that time he was very ill and their marriage was in a difficult place.

To drive up and see that Lydia’s husband was Paul... and that he was doing well... and even more... that they were now having patients in their home to care for... this was an overwhelming moment and gift for me to see!

This is a great testimony to the work and difference that CHI is making here in Kisumu! Not just caring for people, but modeling for people that all of us should care for others.


Later in the day we drove to a woman’s home... her name is Mary. I had spent time with Mary last year, as well.

Mary is unable to use her legs... she sleeps and stays on the floor of a small home. I remember that last year she was suffering from terrible bed sores. This year they were healed, but I could see that a new one was beginning.

I asked if I could sit with her for a minute... she smiled very big and said she would like that. So I sat on the dirt floor next to her and we talked.

The sun had already set, so it was very difficult to see anything because of the darkness. But I could see her eyes and her teeth when she smiled. And she smiled a lot.

Together, we played "thumb wars" ... and laughed... and held hands... and talked about Jesus... and prayed. It was a beautiful reunion!

I can’t even describe the feeling of how thankful I am to see some of the people I had visited last year still alive! Nearly all I had seen and spent time with last year had died.

After my special time with Mary I went back to the truck... I sat in the back and sobbed... my face drenched in tears... my thoughts conflicted...

Picture it... for 6-years now... year after year... month after month... day after day... hour after hour... second after second... Mary has laid there in that small space... on that dirt floor...

And she’s content. In that situation... she’s content?! And more than that... she’s actually full of joy and peace!

It’s so far beyond me and my strength to imagine being in her situation.

I’m amazed... I’m humbled... I’m broken... And I sobbed.


I also shared with you about Jane in a previous blog (Saturday, June 10, 2010). If you remember, I visited her in the hospital... and she had asked Jesus into her life as I sat by her bedside. What a moment for her, and me!

I just learned that Jane has passed away.

At first... the news of her death took my breath away. I had to concentrate on breathing in... then out... then in again.

Jane was still so young and beautiful... she was one of the many who just didn’t have a chance! The battle was too great.

I remember the pain she was in and the sweet conversation we had about Jesus... and I picture her now, in heaven... where her pain is gone... her sorrow is gone... her tears are gone... and I breathe a sigh of thankfulness for the time I had with her.

My heart is blessed to know where she is, and to know that I will be with her again... and with all those that I had fallen in love here who have gone on to be with our Father in Heaven. There is great joy for me in this. What a day of celebration that will be!


Rosalyn has also died. She was another sweet woman in Russia Hospital was quite ill.

I didn’t really “know” her... as she lay in her hospital bed I wasn’t sure if she could hear me or even understand me... there was no response to my words of comfort. It was clear that she had no one... all alone.

Even so... I sat with her for a minute, and prayed for her... I ended my brief time with her by praying Psalm 23 into her ear... and then it came... after my “Amen” ... she quietly whispered... "Thank you” ... and my heart was pierced.

|--Our Team--|

There is so much emotion in this place... but, it’s not all tragic.

On the lighter side... the Team is doing great! God has really blessed us, and I am very thankful.

Two of the gals now have "corn rows" in their hair, and one with extensions! We’re all enjoying the work here and getting on well together as a Team.

The Kisumu Team (the missionaries that live here) is really great, both National and International workers.

I am thankful for the opportunity for these two Teams to work together to serve the Lord together in Kenya. Thank you to both Teams!!!

xoxo Laura


  1. What joy it was to hear of your reunion with Mary and Paul! God is AMAZING!

    Let me guess, Tanea and Jessica have the "corn rows".... :)

  2. Very is Tanea and Mary with the corn rows! Thanks for all your feedback on the blog. We love you Traci and treasure your thoughts and prayers! xoxo Pamela
