Friday, June 18, 2010

A Blessed day of ministry

Yesterday was a pure blessing. I was able to go and so hospital visitations with Laura, Marieke one of the Dutch volunteers, and a national volunteer.

During the morning visitation we got to see Mildred who has been one for CHI's patients for a while. She is a 15 year old girl with a heart problem. The first time I saw her she could hardly breath. She couldn't talk to us and she did not want anything to eat or drink. When we went in she loved the gatorade that Laura brought her and was not only sitting up in bed but holding herself up by the elbow. Then Laura played thumb wars with her. She was wearing a special cross that Laura had given her before and loved our prayer time.

In the next room was sweet Lillian. She is extremely thin and a very high fever. Even her arms were on fire. Once we held her hand and brushed her face she gave us a big smile. Her mother was there with her and was so happy that we prayed with Lillian. Lillian loved our company and was so calm by us being there with her.

When we were about to go see another one of our patients and elderly man asked us to come see his wife. She looks as if she may have had a stroke. She was drooling a lot, but as soon as we prayed and talked with her and would smile a lot. Offering love and affection to the patients means the world to them.

After that we saw Sharon. Sharon is going to be in my heart forever. She is 20 but looks about 15 years old. She is HIV positive. Sharon got saved yesterday. Praise the Lord! Laura walked her through the Prayer. Even though Sharon barely speaks English she kept saying Praise the Lord! Sharon was so full of the Lord and filled with the spirt in that moment. That morning Pam had given me a wooden cross to give out to someone when the moment felt right. So I told Sharon that this cross is special and that she is special. I told her that it means she is forgiven and she is free and that she will know that god is always with her. Sharon was overjoyed.

We then saw Beatrice who has been in the hospital for a while but is getting much healthier. She was there with her mother and Beatrice was sitting on the floor eating Ungali (tradition African food similar to corn meal) and chicken feet. I found out that she was on the floor because cooked food is not allowed in, because people have been poisoned before. Once we talk with her I knelt down and prayed with Beatrice. Her English is very good she during my prayer she was very into it and feeling God's presence.

After that visitation we wanted to get more crossed hand out so we went and bought about 15 each.

Once we got there we went to see Mildred but her bed was empty. It is always a nervous feeling, because you never know if they have passed away. After talking to a doctor we found out that she had been discharged. That was such a blessing because some patients can be discharged but in there for weeks because they cannot pay their bill. That is a praise that Mildred is out of the hospital.

When we came back and saw Lillian she was much more excited than before. We gave her a cross and her and her mother kept saying God bless you. I read her some scripture and Dawn our National would translate. I would tell her how much God loves her and He will keep His promises to her. She loved listening to the word.

When I went and saw Beatrice she was looking healthy and sitting on the edge of her bed. I told her about the special cross I was wearing and asked if she would like to have it. When it put it on her she said she would never take it off. I also gave her a pocket testimate which thrilled her.

Then I saw Sharon. When we found out that no one comes to see her Laura told her that she would be leaving to go home but that I was going to come bug her all that time. She got the bigger smile on her face. Sharon was so happy we came back to see her again. I also read her some verses that we translated and I told her how special and loved she was. I cannot get her huge gorgeous smile out of my mind. It was amazing to see her face light up with the word of God. The importance of his love and faithfulness spoken to her.

The most blessed part of this is to build the relationships with the patients. Even to come back twice in one day made them understand that we did not forget them and that we care about them. Laura is so gifted in ministry and her heart for the Lord and his people is so huge. It was so awesome to learn from her yesterday. I hope I can carry some of that with me the rest of the Summer.

Praise God we have another sister with us in Heaven, Sharon


1 comment:

  1. How wonderful it is to hear what you and the team have been doing. So, wonderful to hear of the changed lives and what you learn from one another. Please continue to update us as you and Mary stay and the rest of the team goes home. We will continue to pray for you and those in Africa. Blessings to you.
    Mungu Yu Mwema (God is Good!)
    Mungu aku bariki (God bless you!)
    Lala Salama (sleep in peace)
