Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Falling in Love

Okay, so many people joke about the idea of me coming home with a little African baby in my suitcase. I know deep down that behind the jokes most people realize I am quite serious with the matter.

A few days ago we had what they call ministry care point. It is a ministry they do on Saturday's with the children of the HIV Patients.

As we got there, we brought our bag of goodies out (Balls, puppets, frisby's etc.) and the kids went to town. It wasn't long before we were all playing soccer in the yard with most the little boys. The boys here are so good and can run for endless moments with bare feet.

We went on to teach the lesson and eat lunch with the kids. I had my camera out and a little boy names Emmanuel would follow me around just begging for his picture. I couldn't help but wonder what his story was as I continued to capture his face in my memory and on camera.

After Lunch I spent some time with all the kids when Emmanuel kicked a ball right at my ankles from about 10 feet away. I turned to look and saw in his face the anticipation that I would kick it back. Not even fazing me that I was in a skirt, I kicked the ball at him and without surprise the ball was right back in my direction. I ran the ball passed him and once again he was beside me kicking the ball away from me. We battled for the ball back and forth on the field at least for 15 minutes falling over each other and laughing. I finally kicked it passed him and yelled with my arms wide in the air... "GOAL!" He fell to the ground in hysterics from how funny he thought I looked.

When we were done and ready for the trip back, we piled some kids in the van with us to take them closer to their homes. One of the boys was Emanuel and his brother and sister. Esther (his sister) is 3 and was sitting in a single seat. I instantly took the opportunity to scoop her into my arms and sit with her which now will continue to be an image I will never forget. By they time we were about 10 minutes down the road Esther was fast asleep in my arms. I was in love with this family... and still had not known their story...

Their Story: Emmanuel's older brother is thought to have HIV. Their father is passed and their mother is in stage 3 of HIV refusing to eat in order to keep her children fed. Since their mother refuses to be given the her late husbands brother as a second or third wife, she is considered a curse as well as her children. A family will not take in children when they are in this position... I asked what would happen to the children, the response was far from what I wanted to hear.

"Esther might be taken in by a neighbor because she is cute, but most likely be sold as a house servant. The boys would most likely end up street kids (Homeless beggars)."

I instantly asked how we could help and what we can do, they truth is our hands are completely tied. I am in continual prayer for this family and in an instant would scoop them up and take them home. I have to remember that God's will is at play and these kids can be cycle breakers. Continue to pray for them and the other children who are in their position.

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