Wednesday, June 16, 2010

George, George and George

Three Georges...

I have discovered here that if you can't quite remember someone's name, but you guess it is "George", you will be right about 75% of the time!  It is funny how many George's we meet!  They are volunteers here, previous patients, new patients and each of them have become very dear.

One of the most wonderful parts of this ministry I've observed is the way God is still performing miracles right before our eyes.  There are people here who we thought for sure were going to die over the last weekend...and they are alive and well...sitting up in bed, eating full meals; we even took one of them home today.

Then there are others who, a year ago, were so sick with AIDS and other illnesses (TB, malaria, deep bed sores, cancer...) no one knew if they would survive.  Yet in the last 2 days I have met 3 of these people, and they are healthy, active and giving back to their community by serving with CHI.

One example is a man named Washington.  His smile is completely contagious.  He has faced death and risen from the grave.  Yesterday I did ministry with him and it was amazing!  We told him about a new patient who is currently in a state very similar to how Washington was a year ago.  Immediately, Washington's response was to say, "I am going to visit this man and tell him my story.  I am going to tell him he can rise up from that bed and be well.  He must take his medicine and he must believe he can get well.  Look at me!  I am healthy now and fat like a pig!"  Then he laughed very hard.

Then there is Paul.  Paul was so "down" a year ago I don't believe many thought he would live.  Today he is healthy and strong, farming sorghum and beans, and seeking out those in his community that are sick and in need of CHI's care and compassion ministry.  He brought us two or three new patients yesterday...including, you guessed it...another George!  Today, Paul and his lovely wife, Lydia, opened their home to a woman we brought home from the hospital.  This was a woman Pat referred to as "R." in an earlier blog, who we did not expect to live through the weekend.  God is so good!  Sadly, R. does not have anyone in her family willing to take care of her deep wounds (bed sores), so Paul and Lydia opened their hearts and back the gift of life they themselves received.

And of course there is George, the newest volunteer at CHI.  He went out with us yesterday doing Care and Compassion visits.  I really saw him shine when we visited a man who is HIV positive (just recently tested) but not yet on ARV drugs.  This man, another George (!), listened intently as George (the volunteer) passionately described how he had been worse than this man 5 years ago but was determined to live.  He told him, "You must sign up with a clinic and start your ARV drugs!  You must take them everyday and do everything you are directed to do!  Look at me.  I am now healthy and strong and able to work!"  Today we saw the new patient George at a clinic while we were there with someone else.  He had taken George's advice to heart and was following through.  I predict one day he, too, will be encouraging others to take control of this disease.

There are SO many other stories and I have SO many beautiful pictures, but I will stop here.  The days are long and fulfilling.  This country is beautiful and the people are even more so.  It is hard to be away from family and friends, but I can hardly imagine not coming back here.  Maybe I can bring a bunch of you with me next time!!!

Love & prayers...
Lala salama (sleep with peace)
Pamela  (pronounced in Kenya as "Pa-MEL-a")

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