Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The journey begins!

Tonight our group met for the last official time before we begin this adventure.  Our families joined us for dinner at Roger and Laura's house and we had a great time of fellowship and prayer.  We also got to hear more of the details of how God showed himself in Tanea's life as she lost all her luggage (including her passport) on Monday and by today, Wednesday, had everything she needed for the trip.  He is SO good!

Then Laura started telling us about the BUGS!  All I can say is it is a good thing she didn't tell us these particular details earlier in the process...  Lord help us!

After dinner, Jessica's parents took her to the Sacramento airport where she boarded a JetBlue aircraft bound for New York where she will meet up with Mary Fugate.  They'll spend Thursday in the city and then we will all depart on Friday (4 from Sacramento and 2 from New York) to meet up in Nairobi Saturday evening at 9pm.  (It will be 11am Saturday here...)  So the journey begins.  The next time we see Jessica and Mary will be in Africa!  Praise God.

Thank you again for all your prayers and support.  We cannot do this alone.  Lala Salama (sleep with peace).

In Christ,

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